Cooking The Books – Louise Reynolds + Giveaway

Chef with cookbook

Cooking breakfast for someone you love must be one of the most romantic things you can do. The hot, sweet part of the night is over and now one of you needs to provide fuel. I always like the idea of a man cooking breakfast. It’s sexy, capable and in the hands of the right person, can be very expressive.

So when Jake, my hero in Outback Bride, makes breakfast for Lara the morning after they’ve made love, I wanted it to be special. But he’s an outback guy so he doesn’t have smoked salmon, croissants or bircher muesli. He’s got bread, bacon and eggs – and his goddaughter sitting at the kitchen table. Here’s what he does with them: OutbackBride_cover

Damn, but it was a great morning. Jake took a knife and cut a ragged heart shape in the centre of a thick slice of stale bread and slipped it into the hot fat in the pan, admiring his handiwork. Today called for something beyond the usual biscuit-cutter circle, and an egg would run as easily to the edges of a heart shape.

Jessie sat at the table spooning cereal into her mouth. Every minute or so she grabbed a soggy cornflake and tried to feed it to her doll. Usually the milk dribbled across the table annoyed him, and personally he expected Barbie would rather have a double-shot skinny latte but this morning he just smiled.

The old pipes hammered with the sound of water heading to the bathroom where Lara was no doubt slicked with hot soapy water. Jake closed his eyes and offered a prayer of thanks then slid a guilty look across at Jessie.

They’d been quiet. Real quiet. It had been like fooling around as a teenager, trying not to make any noise. But that had only served to intensify the emotion. Moans had been smothered with deep kisses that had led to a lot of groaning. He’d slapped a playful hand over her mouth and she’d licked it softly then taken his fingers into her mouth one by one until she’d melted, her eyes going hazy and unfocussed. Then, when she’d started to move and the bedsprings creaked, he’d stilled her and pulled her closer. Their first time had been slow and intense. Deep.

Should he even be thinking about this stuff with a child in the room?

He’d fix those bloody springs. Soon. Better still, he’d jump on the net right after breakfast and order a new bed. King size. Well-sprung. He flipped the bread and cracked a fresh egg into the heart shape. He was an artist.

Footsteps sounded in the hall. He wanted to turn and take Lara into his arms but he kept his eyes on the pan, not wanting to look too eager.

‘Well, hey, my two favourite people.’

As good mornings went it suited Jake just fine and now he turned. Lara stood in the doorway wearing tracksuit pants and a T-shirt and towelling her hair dry before twisting the thick length into a loose coil and letting it fall over one shoulder. Her face was scrubbed and pink, her eyes sparkling.

‘Just in time. I made breakfast.’

Heart-shaped toastAnd he can cook.’ The private look she sent him ricocheted straight to his loins. Jake grabbed a plate and slid the fried toast and egg on to it, draping a little crispy bacon to the side.

Lara dropped a kiss on the top of Jessie’s head and sat in the chair next to her. Feeling slightly embarrassed, he placed the plate on the table. She looked at it, then rotated it and cocked her head to the side. Okay, so the egg white had spilled over the edges and the heart shape was a bit blurry. Finally she blushed as a small smile crept to her lips.

So what about you? What’s your favourite breakfast to serve your beloved? Or is there something you’d love to try? I have a kindle copy of Outback Bride OR a print copy of  Her Italian Aristocrat to give one commenter.

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Outback Bride can be purchased here:


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Destiny Romance

Cooking the Books – Alissa Callen

Chef with cookbookThis week’s guest is debut author, Alissa Callen, who shares a heartwarming story about using food in a very unusual and creative way. Her recipes took me straight back to childhood and the simple pleasure to be had from cramming one’s mouth full of things almost totally comprised of sugar and butter.

Not only is Alissa a talented writer with – wait for it – two releases out simultaneously (see the bottom of the post), but she’s an especially nice person. Welcome, Alissa!

imageThanks so much Louise for having me on your scrumptious blog. What Love Sounds Like is a story filled with self-discovery, romance and sugar-loaded foods starting with the sound ‘c’. Mia Windsor, an outback speech pathologist, uses food as a fun way for orphaned four-year-old Tilly to practice her clear ‘c’ talking. Whether it be eating pop corn to discover where the back of the throat ‘c’ sound comes from or using fruit loops to make the sound correctly, food is a vital ingredient of Tilly’s speech therapy. But in What Love Sounds Like food also serves a symbolic purpose.


Photo – Gabrielle Battiestel

Corporate-cynic, Kade Reid adheres to a single edict, money is as important as breathing. To a man denied a childhood, who had share portfolios instead of toys, food is purely for sustenance and not to be savoured. When he enters the drawing room of historic Berrilea and sees his ward, Tilly, dressed in a mini chef’s hat and apron ready for her first speech therapy lesson he is far from happy. But slowly he is drawn into Mia and Tilly’s world of popcorn, ice-cream and chocolate chip cookies. When he brings home gelato from a Sydney business trip and initiates a picnic by the river, the tubs of gelato symbolize that he is embracing his feelings as well as his taste-buds.

Food is also symbolic for Mia Windsor. It is through food that she communicates the emotions that she refuses to acknowledge. To protect against abandonment she shrink-wraps herself in professionalism and stifles all yearnings for love or a family. But through cooking with Tilly and making Kade the birthday cake he’d never had, Mia reveals she is far from detached.

So, food, on all levels, is an integral component of What Love Sounds Like. Food helps Tilly master the ‘c’ sound. Food links Kade to the childhood he’d never had. And for Mia, food proves that beneath her crisp professionalism she’s as sweet as the caramel popcorn an unimpressed Kade must try.

Now for the yummy part … recipes of the sugary delights that appear in What Love Sounds Like.

Ⓒ Agg - Dreamstime Stock Photos

Ⓒ Agg – Dreamstime Stock Photos

Caramel Popcorn


Popped corn (in machine, microwave or saucepan)

75g butter

½ cup caster sugar

1 ½ cup golden syrup

2 tsp hundreds and thousands sprinkles (optional)


Grease a cooking tray and spread out cooked popcorn.

On stove heat butter, sugar and golden syrup until smooth, then boil for 5 mins without stirring.

Pour over popcorn and carefully turn popcorn to coat evenly. Sprinkle with sprinkles and allow to cool. Break into chunks.

Ⓒ ljansempoi - Dreamstime Stock Photos

Ⓒ ljansempoi – Dreamstime Stock Photos

Ice cream


200 ml condensed milk

500 ml thickened cream

1 tsp vanilla

Treats – sprinkles, lollies, crushed up chocolate biscuits etc or pieces of fruit.


Combine all ingredients in a bowl and beat with an electric beater until thick and stiff. Stir through any treats or fruit. Put into container, cover with cling firm and freeze until solid.


Ⓒ Cenorman - Dreamstime Stock Photos

Ⓒ Cenorman – Dreamstime Stock Photos

Lemonade Scones


4 cups self raising flour

300 ml cream

1 can (375ml) lemonade

sultanas (optional)


Gently mix all ingredients until just combined. Can roll out on floured board and cut out or just spoon onto greased cooking tray in clumps.

Cook in 225 degrees C oven (205 for fan-forced) until pale golden. Enjoy.

Thank you, Alissa. Mia sounds just gorgeous and I can’t wait to read What Love Sounds Like.

What Love Sounds Like is available from Escape Publishing

image-1Beneath Outback Skies is available from Random House as a launch title from their Random Romance list.

And Alissa Callen can be contacted via her website or face book . (

Cooking The Books – Surprising Combinations

Chef with cookbook

Welcome to the first post in “Cooking The Books”. Every Wednesday writers and friends will be dropping in to share the food in their books or in the books they love.

Before my guests arrive, I’ve decided to kick it off with Her Italian Aristocrat, my recent release with Destiny Romance.

I love reading books with food in them. And food turns up a lot in the books I write. Not just the passing mention of a meal consumed but often mouth-watering detail as to what the meal consists of and the care that went into its preparation. And food is a helpful assistant in conveying the unique qualities of a book’s setting: Po’boys? The deep south. Crab cakes? Maryland. A pie and a coldie? Australia.

When I visited the hill town of Macerata in the Italian Marche, the first meal I ate was Vitello Tonnato. It had been on my culinary bucket list for ages. Thin slices of veal are smothered in a creamy sauce of mayonnaise, tuna, anchovy and capers and eaten cold. Since it was high summer and extremely hot, Vitello Tonnato was perfect.

While writing Her Italian Aristocrat, also set in a hill town in the Marche, I was casting around for a dish that could be the specialty of a local restaurant and I picked Vitello Tonnato. In retrospect, this dish resonates perfectly with my hero and heroine. When I think veal I think prosciutto, sage, breadcrumbs, anything in fact before an unusual marriage of beef, tuna and anchovy. So too, Luca and Gemma are, at first sight, a surprising combination. He’s a wealthy aristocrat, scion of an ancient family and Gemma is…well, that would be telling.

Early in the book, Luca entertains Gemma to a meal in his ancestral home, where each tries to outwit the other in gaining the attention of their elderly dinner partner, the owner of the local shoe factory:

Dinner was to be served in a small, intimate salon instead of the vast dining room, and when they entered the candlelit room Gemma gave a surprised cry of pleasure. The table was set with fine linen and antique faience plates, and the Andretti crystal and silverware sparkled in the candlelight. It pleased Luca that she admired his home and he glanced around the room with renewed pleasure.

They took their places around the table, Gemma to his right where she was just close enough for her alluring fragrance to tantalise him. He poured wine from the decanter into her glass, then filled Marco’s and his own.

The pasta course arrived, borne by Bruno, his flat feet in their carpet slippers slapping against the flagged floor. He served a small portion onto each plate and withdrew. Luca shifted on his chair and focused on Gemma. Now was the moment.

‘You and Marco share a similar interest,’ he began.

Gemma stopped mid-twirl, her fork wound with pasta, while she looked from Luca to Marco and back again. Marco, his mouth already filled with spaghetti, raised his eyebrows in enquiry.

‘Shoes,’ Luca announced.

Marco harrumphed good-naturedly as Gemma continued to watch Luca.

Luca turned to her, allowing a thread of triumph to enter his voice. She would be revealed and Marco forewarned of the fate awaiting his company. In typical Italian fashion, there was no reason this couldn’t be achieved around a good table. Deeply satisfied, Luca’s smile broadened.

‘Marco is the owner, with his two grandsons, of Brunelli of Montefigore. You recall I told you about them this morning?’

The old man swallowed and wiped his lips with the linen napkin. ‘All women love shoes, Luca. Are you stupido? Every woman in the world has an interest in common with me.’ He turned to Gemma. ‘The business has been in my family for generations. We are renowned the world over for the quality of our shoes. Perhaps you have even heard of us?’

‘Believe me, Marco, she’s heard of you.’ Anger speared through Luca as he glared at Gemma, challenging her to deny it. She sat, her hair shimmering in the candlelight and her bright eyes wide, the picture of wounded innocence. Surely Marco wasn’t being hoodwinked by her charm? So close. Any moment now Gemma would have to disclose the real reason she was in Montefigore.

Her steady gaze locked on him. He didn’t trust that small smile playing about her mouth but Dio, he wanted to kiss those lips. Had he taken leave of his senses?

Gemma turned to Marco and her smile widened. ‘Of course I’ve heard of Brunelli Shoes. I’m wearing a pair right now.’ She swivelled around in her chair and stretched out a slender leg encased in silky stockings. Luca swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry as she arched her foot, lazily admiring the blue ankle-strap stilettos. His fork clattered onto his plate. She had more tricks than a second-hand car dealer.

Vitello Tonnato

Having made myself mightily hungry while writing this book I decided to make vitello tonnato at home. I’m lucky enough to have a wonderful Italian butcher in my local shopping strip in North Carlton, the heartland of Italian migration in Melbourne. They’re the real deal. A shop full of often cantankerous but helpful Italian blokes who make their own sausages, cut the meat how you want it (leave the fat on please) and love to know how you’re going to prepare it. It wasn’t quite as delicious as that beautiful meal accompanied by a couple of glasses of cold verdicchio and eaten under blisteringly blue Italian sky. But I hope I’ve captured that feeling in Her Italian Aristocrat.

From next week the guests at my table will be a wonderful mix of writers. We’d love to have you join us.


Cooking The Books – A weekly stirfry of cooking and writing


They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach so is it any wonder that when we write about love we often write about food as well? At its most elemental, the provision of food demonstrates that we can nurture and sustain, qualities we also look for in a partner.

But it goes beyond that. Survival is one thing but cooking – applying heat and natural salts and acids to raw ingredients and combining them to create a meal – is about love and friendship, sharing and creativity.

I’m going to be dedicating Wednesdays on my blog to Cooking The Books. I want to explore the books I love and the food in them.

But like a big, old-fashioned progressive dinner, I don’t want to do it alone.

I’d love you to contribute by talking about the food in your latest book. Is it an Arabian desert repast served by men in funny trousers or a Regency banquet served by, well, men in funny trousers?

The books don’t need to be traditional romances. Who could forget the stunning meal in Isak Dinesen’s Babette’s Feast and the electrifying effect it had on isolated people starved of love and good food?

Off the top of my head, I’m thinking classic Nora Roberts. In Born In Ice, Brianna cooked up a storm in her Irish b&b and captured the heart of writer Grayson. In Dance On Air, Nell’s muffins and cinnamon rolls had Sheriff Zachary Todd on her doorstep every day. And who can forget the gorgeous Cameron Quinn falling for fiery Anna and her Italian red sauce in the Chesapeake Bay series?

And another of my favourites, Shirley Jump’s The Bachelor Preferred Pastry even provides cheekily named recipes as chapter headings.

So what about you? I’m going to kick it off on Tuesday 16th January by talking about a dish featured in Her Italian Aristocrat. But I’d love you to apron up, grab a whisk (or pen) and tell me about the food in your latest book or in a book you love. If you want to supply a recipe, so much the better.

Please contact me to book a spot on Cooking The Books.

Bon appétit and happy reading!

